Baptized for Life

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“By expecting participating congregations to slow down and listen to scripture, tradition and each other, we made baptismal theology explicit. Then we could invite communities to claim the power of baptismal ecclesiology and identify particular gifts individuals, and they together, have for ministry. When clergy and judicatory structures intentionally support the ministry of all the baptized, the rhetoric of church decline dissipates, and faith communities are freed to be Christian where they are planted.”

Lisa Kimball, Ph.D.
Project Director, Baptized for Life

About the Initiative:

Nothing about what BFL/VEA set out to do was novel. What has made it credible and powerful is our commitment to live the (ancient) Christian practices we were promoting as we accompanied congregations for 3-5 years listening for God at work in their lives. Being listened to is always a sacred gift. BFL/VEA has confirmed that discernment-informed decision-making engages more people, draws on more gifts, and reveals embedded theology that strengthens congregations’ identity and equips the Body of Christ for ministry. Similarly, BFL/VEA affirms that confident Christian vocations are formed around scripture, community, and the sacraments for the purpose of living faithfully in the world (vocation) every day. Metrics like average Sunday attendance describe who is there. Without intentional formation, they say nothing about what a congregation is becoming.

Contact Baptized for Life

 If you have questions about the Baptized for Life initiative,
email Kim Arakawa, project manager