
The AAEHC is a joint project of the Historical Society of the Episcopal Church and Virginia Theological Seminary. The Collection documents the experiences of African American Episcopalians through documents, institutional records, oral histories, personal papers, and photographs. Examples include:

Black Episcopal parishes
Black clergy
The Union of Black Episcopalians
The Conference of Church Workers among Colored People
The papers and work of individuals, such as The Rev. Alexander Crummell, The Rev. Dr. George Freeman Bragg, The Rt. Rev. John T. Walker, The Rt. Rev. Walter Decoster Dennis, Ms. Verna Dozier, The Rev. Canon Harold T. Lewis, Mr. Allan Rohan Crite


Black Episcopalian Oral History Program:

We are grateful to the Historical Society of the Episcopal Church for its annual contributions in support of the oral history program.

Access the AAEHC Oral Histories Collection.


Travel Grant Program:

Thanks to a generous grant from the Historical Society of the Episcopal Church, travel reimbursement grants are available for AAEHC research.

Travel reimbursement requests are available to individuals who would like to use the African American Episcopal Historical Collection (AAEHC) for research. Faculty, graduate students, undergraduates, independent researchers, and Episcopal clergy and laypersons are encouraged to apply. Funds may be used for transportation, meals, lodging, photocopying, and other costs of research.

The application deadline is May 15th, 2024. Travel must occur between August 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025.

The Rev. Canon Betsy Smith Ivey, Diocese of Pennsylvania (retired), said: “As a researcher and writer of the history of Black Episcopalians, it is an extraordinary blessing to have access to the AAEHC’s historic research and memorabilia of noted Black clergy and scholars. These collections add fullness to the rich and true history of our Church.”

Complete Application Here


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If you are considering donating your personal papers to the AAEHC or would like to record your oral history, we want to hear from you. Please contact AskAAEHC@vts.edu

To make a monetary gift for the AAEHC, visit www.vts.edu/give.

For questions regarding the AAEHC endowment,or monetary gifts, contact the Vice President for Institutional Advancement, Linda Dienno at: ldienno@vts.edu

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