
Educational Leadership

Educational Leadership

The Educational Leadership track aims to strengthen educational, organizational, and spiritual leadership in independent and religiously affiliated schools, universities, and education-oriented institutions—places where the formation of mind and culture are at the heart of ministry and mission. The program helps educational leaders hone their capacities to form and transform young lives and to work creatively with parents, peers, and the public to shape cultures committed to God’s transforming work in the world.
sitting outside on benches with notes

Core courses for Educational Leadership

  • Philosophy of Education
  • Sacred Texts in Education
  • Moral and Ethical Leadership
  • Governance and Mission
  • Theological Anthropology and Human Development
  • Ministry in Context: Methods of Doctoral Research

Topical courses for Educational Leadership

Students will also find a wide array of topical courses including

  • Dynamics of Conflict and Change
  • Spirituality, Liturgy, and the Arts
  • Pastoral Care

and other courses on curriculum and other education-related topics.