
A pilgrimage in England

Date: September 11, 2024

In our strategic plan, the Board of Trustees committed to a pilgrimage schedule. The goal is to invite friends and alumni on a journey that enables them to grow in their faith and understand afresh the commitment of the Seminary to faith formation. It is my practice to join as many pilgrimages as I am able for at least a few days. So, I am writing this commentary from London.

A VTS pilgrimage is a very distinctive experience. We aspire to take people to places where others find it hard to go – the Jerusalem Chamber in Westminster Abbey, the Lambeth Palace Gardens, Little Gidding, and a candlelit tour of Canterbury Cathedral.

On this occasion, I am grateful to the leadership team – the Rev. Dr. Barney Hawkins who oversees pilgrimages for VTS and the Rev. Harrison McCloud, Christ Church, Greenville, SC. Their hard work makes these occasions possible.

The Very Rev. Ian S. Markham, Ph.D.
Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary and the President of The General Theological Seminary

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