
Annual Report Thank You

Date: December 17, 2021

Strangely a sign of institutional health is the annual report on giving. The 2020-2021 (an entire COVID year) annual report is called “Impact.” It runs to forty pages. It documents both annual fund giving and capital campaign gifts. The result is a report that really captures the deep affection in which the Seminary is held. People around the country and around the world want to see a strong VTS. And they have reached into their pockets to ensure that this is the case.

We aspire to transparency. So the report includes a detailed breakdown of the budget (actual compared to budget), a full statement of our financial position, and the details of the Seminary endowment. We want donors to know that they are giving to an institution that is strong and that every gift they make goes to making a difference in the Church. The theme of the report is “Impact.” Gifts make a difference in human lives. We can guarantee that the gifts go to ensure a high-quality student experience and to support the programming of Lifelong Learning, Center for Anglican Communion Studies, and TryTank.

As I browsed the report, I found myself grateful. Grateful not just for the donors, but for all those who work so hard to raise the profile of the Seminary. We have a hard-working team in Institutional Advancement. So, today, I wish to acknowledge my gratitude to them: Vice President Linda Dienno, Ms. Jennifer Greiner, Ms. Shelagh Casey Brown, Mr. Jeffri Harre, and Ms. Wendy Bermudez. Thank you to you all.

The Very Rev. Ian S. Markham, Ph.D.
Dean and President 

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