
CACS and Fall 2024 Part 2: Scriptural Reasoning and Fall Visitors

Date: July 26, 2024

CACS will resume the monthly Scriptural Reasoning series this fall, continuing to partner with the Rumi Forum and featuring a new set of themes provided by the Rose Castle Foundation. Scriptural Reasoning (SR) is a practice where Christians, Jews, and Muslims read and reflect upon short passages from their respective scriptures, all focused on a common topic within the Abrahamic tradition. Facilitated by a study leader, each session is an opportunity to listen and share perspectives in an atmosphere of mutual respect. The result is often a deeper understanding of others’ and one’s own scriptures, as well as the development of bonds across faith communities.

Sessions begin Thursday, September 12 and will take place in the Lettie Pate Evans Room, from 6:30 – 8:00 pm. All are welcome to join us, including family, friends and colleagues from outside VTS. Participants are welcome to attend as often as they would like, or just once to try it out.

We are also planning a 2nd facilitators training for scriptural reasoning, September 12 from 5:30 – 9:30 in the evening. Training sessions are conducted in conjunction with the Rose Castle Foundation; the premier source for Scriptural Reasoning training, resources, and opportunities. Anyone interested in learning about SR facilitation should contact CACS at We are always looking for more people to join SR conversations!

CACS will also host two important sabbatical guests this fall. One is a member of the Anglican Communion Science Commission, the Rt. Rev. Emily Onyango, Ph.D., who is Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Bondo, Kenya. Bp. Emily will be joining VTS in October for 3 weeks to finish her work on planning a Centre for Leadership Training, Anglicanism, and Research in Africa at St. Paul’s University in Kenya. She was a part of the recent Africa 6 meeting of women bishops convened in Kenya from January 8 to 14 of 2024.

Later, in November, CACS will welcome the Rt. Rev. Lule James Kenyi, Ph.D., Bishop of the Diocese of Kajo-Keji in South Sudan. During his time with us, Bp. Kenyi plans to better his understanding of Anglicanism and share his work on peace and reconciliation in South Sudan.

All our events will be on the VTS Eventbrite and the CACS Facebook in the coming weeks and in the communiqué in August so make sure to visit and sign up to join us!

Melissa Allbrandt, CACS Administrative Coordinator

Hartley Wensing, CACS Associate Director

Katherine Grieb, CACS Director

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