
Faculty contributing to the Bible

Date: December 6, 2023

When I prepare a sermon, more often than not, I will pick up The New Interpreter’s Study Bible, which was published by Abingdon Press in 2003. The surrounding scholarly commentary is often helpful as I reflect and pray on possible themes for the sermon. It is a privilege to be a scholar who is invited to create such notes; the scholar is shaping the way the text will be read.

I will be replacing The New Interpreter’s Study Bible with the The SBL Study Bible. This was published this year by HarperCollins Publishers. It is lovely discovering that some of our distinguished colleagues are included. The Rev. Dr. Melody Knowles contributed the introduction and notes on Ezra and Nehemiah. Dr. Stephen Cook contributed the introduction and notes on Hosea and a sidebar on Resurrection. In addition our Board member, Dr. Judith Newman has a subject essay on the Hellenistic World.

It is an achievement to be invited to be involved in this project. So, congratulations to Melody, Stephen and Judith.

The Very Rev. Ian S. Markham, Ph.D.
Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary and the President of The General Theological Seminary

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