
Last Day to Make an Annual Fund Gift for the Fiscal Year

Date: June 30, 2023

Today is the last day of Fiscal Year 2023. Whether this day is on your radar or not, it is an important milestone in our community life. Today is the last day to make a gift to the Annual Fund for this fiscal year, and we want you to know how much every gift matters. If you love excellent academic programming, a beautiful campus, inspiring worship, and meaningful community, thank an annual fund donor. Better yet, become an annual fund donor if you are not already!

Every gift of any size to the Annual Fund makes a difference, not only financially, but as a sign of commitment, sustainability, and connection. Strong annual giving shows that we are including enough people in our mission and ministry to know that it will be sustainable for years to come. Faithful annual giving from alumni and friends demonstrates support for our vision for the next century. Annual giving from faculty, staff, and board members helps prove to our partners that we have the commitment of the team needed to carry out our work for the future of the Church.

If you are reading this, you are already a beloved member of the VTS community, and we are grateful for you. Every gift, every commitment, and every connection make a difference. If you haven’t already, please make a gift to the Annual Fund today. Your gift matters.

Jennifer Wade Greiner
Director of Annual Giving

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