
Lifelong Learning is All About Christian Formation: Your Resource for the Church and Beyond

Date: August 23, 2024

I applied to VTS after meeting Dr. Lisa Kimball at a Christian formation conference. As the only MDiv student not seeking ordination, I definitely felt out of place when I arrived. But in early December I found myself sitting in front of a roaring fire in Scott Lounge next to my classmate Maurice Dyer as we exuberantly recounted the story of St. Nicholas. Folks of all ages sipped hot chocolate and shared chocolate coins. And I felt the warmth of belonging. 

That evening with St. Nicholas was planned by the department of Lifelong Learning. The work of our department is deep and wide, from leading Godly Play for The Butterfly House to stewarding multiple million-dollar grants related to clergy mentoring, mutual ministry, the formation of children and families within the context preschools, and strengthening preaching across the church… but Christian formation remains the heart of our work. 

Since becoming a member of the Lifelong Learning team (first as a work study student and then later a staff member), supporting VTS students and alumni has been a highlight of my work. Here are just a couple of examples of our ongoing efforts to help church leaders form faithful disciples: 

  • Building Faith publishes theologically rich and practically oriented articles on Christian formation for free. Subscribe to never miss an article.

As we begin a new academic year at Virginia Theological Seminary, our team is excited to connect with, learn from, and resource as many church leaders as possible! It has been our pleasure to share some of our work with you this week via the Dean’s Commentary. Stay connected with us and all we’re up to by signing up for our monthly News & Notes!

Sarah Bentley Allred
Senior Formation Associate & Coordinator of Forma Evangelism 

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