
Mental Health First Aid Training

Date: March 1, 2022

It was last fall that middler Kimberly Dunn came to tell me about a Mental Health First Aid training that she had recently participated in. Mental Health First Aid teaches people how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illness and substance abuse. The training gives participants the skills to reach out and provide initial support to someone who may be in a mental health or substance abuse crisis, and help to connect them to appropriate care.

Kimberly was so passionate about this training, and so convinced of its value for those in ministry, that we decided that it should be offered here at VTS. She invited MHFA trainer Kimme Carlos to lead the event, and quickly found 30 students and staff members who wanted to take the training. Elly Hahn in the Academic Affairs and Student Life department was instrumental in organizing everything behind the scenes.

The training was held last Saturday on campus and was a resounding success. Many students emerged from the day saying that the training should be offered regularly at VTS. Given the mental health challenges that so many are facing after almost two years of a pandemic, among other stressors, it makes sense that all of us in ministry should develop our skills in responding to those in this kind of need. Thank you, Kimberly, for offering this important resource to the VTS community!

The Rev. Ruthanna Hooke, Ph.D.
Associate Dean of Students

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