
Prayers for Fr. Allen Gaye

Date: September 19, 2024

Yesterday I was in a meeting when our alum Jean Vinson called my cell phone. The moment I was able to do so, I called her back. The news was disturbing. Fr. Allen Gaye, our alum, had been shot in Liberia. He interrupted a burglary and, even after doctors had operated on him, he still has seven bullets in his legs and two in his chest.

I called Allen. I was relieved to hear his voice. But I listened as he expressed his worries. I prayed for him over the phone. I promised that he would be added to the prayer list of the Chapel.

Every day we hear the names of those who have asked for prayers in the community. Allen’s name will be added. The precise story behind the name is known to only a few. But, with Allen’s permission, I am sharing some of the details. We will be providing the community with an opportunity to give to a fund to support Allen as he navigates the days and weeks ahead.

The Very Rev. Ian S. Markham, Ph.D.
Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary and the President of The General Theological Seminary

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