
Publication of Dust

Date: September 13, 2024

In October, I will write a sustained reflection on the Bicentennial. The Episcopal Church is blessed with many entities and organizations that are old and, therefore, have significant anniversaries. The temptation is to keep it very simple: we are 175 years old, there will be a special service followed by a potluck lunch. But, we sought to model a different way: we wanted to use our 200th as an opportunity for deep thinking and appropriate prayer.

Part of that work was the play, written by Non Vaughan O’Hagan, called Dust. You can buy it here. It was an extraordinary accomplishment. The complexity of our story was told in breathtaking detail. From the enslavement of people to the achievements of alumni, the story was shared. Those watching the play were invited to enjoy the compelling drama and to enter into the details of the story. Even now, I still vividly remember different scenes from the play.

As rectors, schools, and dioceses seek to mark their significant anniversaries, I invite everyone to pause and think about the best way to do this work. Perhaps commissioning a play might be a good idea for you too.

The Very Rev. Ian S. Markham, Ph.D.
Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary and the President of The General Theological Seminary

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