
Start of the semester sermon

Date: September 16, 2024

On the whole I tend to the view that sermons are best heard and appreciated in the context of the liturgy. After all, the sermon is framed around the readings – the written Word is followed by the Eternal Word (the Gospel) and then the preacher shares the Proclaimed Word. In a Eucharist, it is a work that leads to the Table and the act of remembering the Lord’s Death until he comes. Therefore, I don’t tend to share a text or a video of a sermon. The sermon is a gift for those who are present in the service.

However, on a state occasion, such as the start of the semester, I have shared the video of the sermon. It is a helpful way of introducing Dr. Nasiri and his family to the community. And given his significance as a guest, the sermon is a good way of letting other friends and stakeholders know.

So, on this occasion, you can watch the sermon here. And do pray for Dr. Nasiri.

The Very Rev. Ian S. Markham, Ph.D.
Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary and the President of The General Theological Seminary

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