
Thank you for all those who worked so hard on convocation

Date: October 17, 2024

It definitely takes a village. So, many worked in so many ways to make convocation a success. The gathering of the VTS family is important. Our alumni and friends have traveled long distances to be present. They gather to reconnect with each other; and they gather to learn afresh about what is happening here at VTS.

It is difficult to list everyone who deserves to be recognized, and the list will inevitably forget someone who should have been remembered. So, sensitive to the dangers of this moment, please allow me to highlight the following. Ms. Shelagh Casey Brown was the point person in so many ways. From logistics, to getting an Uber for a visiting bishop, to providing notes for those introducing our guests, Shelagh did an amazing job in it all. The Rev. Dr. Bob Flanagan had the joy of running a convocation service and other worship services for the first time; he was the perfect example of a non-anxious presence. Dr. Marty Burnett set an exceptional music standard and planned and organized all the music. Meriwether Godsey handled all the complex catering demands and produced beautiful meals. Vice President Nicky Burridge ensured the moment was captured, with the help of Mr. Natthaphon Foithong, who did much of the photography. Mr. Duane Lomis handled the live stream, along with Mr. Reginald Gravina, which was perfect. All of Institutional Advancement prepared name tags, signed people in, handled the welcome desk, and helped in countless significant ways. Facilities made sure the grounds were stunning. And many other people, from Sacristans to the Welcome Center, played a pivotal role.

I am grateful to them all. And, finally, I am grateful to Bishop Rob Wright and the Rev. Dr. Judy Fentress Williams who provided two extraordinary lectures. The themes of them both will stay with me for many years to come. Thank you everyone.

The Very Rev. Ian S. Markham, Ph.D.
Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary and the President of The General Theological Seminary.

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