Date: December 19, 2023
My wife and I at the end of the semester host the “Senior Tea”. This is a decades old practice where Deans have had a moment to prepare seniors for their last semester at Seminary. We reflect with the seniors on what really matters.
I think perhaps I am the first Dean to discover that there was a potential misunderstanding. For the Gen Z, gathering for tea means that you are gathering to learn the gossip. I was asked: “When are you going to spill the tea?”
My brief comments focused on enjoying the final semester, using the time to deepen class relationships, and allowing God to have the space to form a life for ministry. No gossip. The tea was a beverage which was accompanied by a cupcake.
One student suggested that the event should be renamed: The Senior Beverage Tea. I’m taking this suggestion under advisement.
The Very Rev Ian S Markham
Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary and the President of the General Theological Seminary