
The new Director of Unity, Faith and Order

Date: November 21, 2022

OK I am a fan of Dr. Christopher Wells. I first met him just after he became Executive Director of the Living Church Foundation. I was a subscriber of the magazine back in 2007; it was a good source for news, but tending to be rather unimaginatively polemical and very focused on the developing schism in the Episcopal Church. It was some weeks into the arrival of Christopher Wells and I realized the magazine had changed. Suddenly, there were some substantial theological articles: the discourse was traditionally catholic rather than immediately politically; and here was a magazine that I could unreservedly recommend to others.

Dr. Wells has had a distinguished tenure as the Executive Director. In a season where magazines have struggled, Christopher has grown the circulation. They have also developed Covenant – a blog that is widely read. Amber Noel, also a good friend of the Seminary, has started a podcast. There are conferences and more. There is no question that our denomination has a substantial magazine that is the primary vehicle of discussion and news. And crucially, the center of gravity is clear: if the Episcopal Church is going to survive we must be theologically serious. Our decisions cannot be the projection of MSNBC preferences into skies, they must be grounded in the hard work of grappling with Scripture in a quest to discern what God requires of the Church at this time.

The Anglican Communion is fortunate. His appointment as director of Unity Faith and Order is the key ecumenical role in the Anglican Communion. In this capacity, Christopher will lead and support the work of the Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Unity, Faith and Order. We will miss Christopher. We are grateful for his service; and we pray for him as he plays this important role in Anglican Communion.

The Very Rev. Ian S. Markham, Ph.D.
Dean and President

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