
VTS Welcomes Five New International Students in August

Date: July 24, 2024

Connecting with our international D.Min. students in June provides us with wonderful windows into the varied cultural contexts of the Anglican Communion but they are only with us for a short time. This August VTS will be welcoming 5 new international MA or MDiv students, and they will offer similar gifts during their 2 or 3 years here on campus. In this commentary, we’d like to introduce you to them, with the hope that you will join us in offering them warm greetings in August and beyond.

Stefi Baiju is from Karnataka, India, and has been studying at McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago, IL. He has served in leadership roles at St. James Episcopal Cathedral in Chicago.

Tornike Lipartiani is from Tbilisi, Georgia. He has most recently studied at Utrecht University, having taken courses there over the last three years with a particular interest in Old Catholic theology.

Miranda Peters is from Toronto, ON, Canada. She recently returned from the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Community of St. Anselm and has been a ministry apprentice with St. Paul’s Bloor Street since 2023.

Yehinuel Oshokjai Odidi, from Edo, Nigeria, holds a Bachelor of Education in Christian Religious Studies from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, and has most recently been a Sunday school teacher at St. Christopher’s Anglican Church, Kaduna.

Deborah George Okoth is from Musoma, Tanzania and has studied in various programs in Mzumbe University, most recently earning a certificate of leadership. She has also volunteered with the Legal Aid Program of Dar es Salaam.

Again, please join us in welcoming these new community members in August!

Melissa Allbrandt, CACS Administrative Coordinator

Hartley Wensing, CACS Associate Director

Katherine Grieb, CACS Director

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