
What Communications Does

Date: August 5, 2024

Our work in Communications divides into two main parts: internal communications and external communications. Internal communications involves ensuring everyone on campus knows what is happening on any given day, without overwhelming people with emails. As such, we have two core channels for internal communications, namely the daily Dean’s Commentary and the weekly Communique. The Communique is published on Friday every week during the semester and includes the Chapel schedule, events happening on campus, local events that may be of interest and job opportunities. If you would like something including in the Communique, please email Comms at by the end of the day on the Wednesday of the week in which you would like it to appear.

External communications involves telling the VTS story to the wider Episcopal community. A central part of this work is maintaining vibrant social media channels to help people see the many things that happen on campus. In addition, we manage the website, write press releases, respond to media enquiries, update promotional material and produce VTS magazine. We also work closely with other departments, such as Academic Administration and Student Life and Institutional Advancement to promote the seminary and support recruitment and giving.

We cannot do this work on our own, though, and we are always grateful to faculty, staff and students when they share photographs with us, tell us about an event they are hosting or a book they have had published or approach us with an idea. No-one tells the story of an institution better than those who are part of it and we welcome everything you want to share with us!

Nicky Burridge
Vice President for Communications

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