Children holding animal up for a woman to see

For Community

Life in community at Virginia Seminary grows from a commitment to prayer, worship, study, and love for God. The Holy Spirit is always at work in our life together as we are formed and shaped into the image of Christ, who leads us deeper into the heart of God and out into the world.

Daily expectations of students and faculty include three elements: commitment to study and participation in class, attendance at one of three daily services (Morning Prayer, Holy Eucharist, or Evening Prayer), and sharing a common meal at lunch in Coffield Refectory. A commitment to the rhythm of our communal life deepens the formation of our Christian discipleship and reinforces our understanding that growth in Christ is not something to be accomplished on one’s own, but in the give and take of the life together.

The Seminary community of faculty, staff, and students is diverse in age, gender, race, culture, ethnicity, familial constellations, and many other ways. This is a great blessing to VTS and must be nurtured in the way we live together. Intentionally building communal life means having mutual respect and regard for one another at all times and in all places. Academic freedom and expression of ideas and opinions are important values at VTS, especially when we disagree on issues in the church and the world, in theological understanding, and in biblical interpretation.

sitting outside on benches with notes