Intramural Sports Flag Football The Friars



Maintaining physical, mental, and spiritual health while in Seminary is an important discipline to keep in the ongoing formation of Christian leaders. VTS makes every effort to aid students in their wellness practices. The food at Coffield Refectory provides ample choice for dietary needs, including options for vegetarians, vegans, and those who require a gluten-free diet.

Informal team sports are organized by students annually. Football, soccer, softball, and basketball are mainstays during the academic year, with teams often traveling to weekend tournaments with other seminaries. Though the Seminary does not have a pool, the Chinquapin Recreation Center (about a mile from the Seminary) does have one and welcomes Alexandria residents for a minimal charge.

Flag Football
student dyed beard blue and red for sports

Northern Virginia and Washington, DC offer excellent services for counseling for individuals, families, and children. In addition, those in recovery from addiction can easily find support and resources on campus and nearby.

Spiritual Direction is encouraged by Virginia Seminary for students, faculty, staff, and spouses or partners of students, to support formation for ministry. The Seminary seeks to underscore the importance of this practice by offering partial reimbursement to directees during the academic year.

Two Quiet Days are observed in each academic year, one in the fall and one during Lent. Classes are suspended and silence is observed for the day so that the community can draw together to hear meditations and to pray both corporately and individually. Freedom from speaking allows the other senses to be heightened and attentive to the presence and movement of the Holy Spirit.

All full-time students are required to have health insurance and to document their coverage at registration. The Seminary offers group health and hospitalization coverage with Kaiser Permanente to full-time masters-level students. Eligible students may enroll in a plan effective August 1, or at the time of a qualifying life event such as marriage, birth, or loss of other insurance coverage.

Students may also search the federal healthcare exchange established under the Affordable Care Act for additional options.