Legacy Giving

The 2023 Legacy Society

Since our 1823 founding, Virginia Seminary has been blessed with a tradition of generosity. This has enabled VTS to become strong and financially stable, poised and prepared to train lay and ordained leaders for the 21st century Church.

By including VTS in their will or trusts or by having made life income gifts to the Seminary, many alumni and friends have helped ensure our long-term health. Through planned giving, these friends and alumni often make their largest gifts.

Planned giving encompasses a variety of ways that gifts can be made from accumulated resources. It leads to legacy and lets anyone concerned with the wise use of his or her personal resources make a considered choice about their ultimate disposition.

Those who have let VTS know of their estate plans are members of The 2023 Legacy Society, which is co-chaired by Mary Lewis Hix and the Rev. James (Jimmy) M.L. Grace ’05. Their wise counsel and deep conviction around legacy giving are invaluable.

Our Annual Report features a list of The 2023 Legacy Society members and we would be honored to include your name. If you wish to talk about legacy giving or if you would like a forum in your parish on this topic, please contact us at legacy@vts.edu.

Virginia Theological Seminary Fall Photo of Campus

Suggested Language for Including a Bequest to Virginia Seminary in Your Will

For an Unrestricted Bequest:

I give and bequeath to the Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary in Virginia ($ _____) or ( _____%) of the residue of my estate) to be added to the General Endowment Fund of the Seminary.

For a Specified Bequest:

I give and bequeath to the Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary in Virginia ($_____) or (_____%) of the residue of my estate), the income to be used only for the following purpose: (state purpose). If in the future, it is in the opinion of the Dean and President, with the concurrence of the Board of Trustees, that all or part of the income of this fund cannot be usefully applied to such purpose, the Seminary may use the same for any purpose that will most nearly accomplish my wishes.

For a Contingent Bequest:

In the event that any of the beneficiaries named herein (in my will) predeceases me (or predeceases me leaving no heirs), I leave the rest and residue of my estate to the Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary in Virginia, to be added to the General Endowment Fund of the Seminary.

Individuals who inform us that they have made a provision for Virginia Theological Seminary in their will or trust are recognized in The Annual Report for each fiscal year and honored as Members of the Seminary’s 2023 Legacy Society.

We would be pleased to discuss any of these opportunities with you and your counsel. For additional information, please contact Vice President for Institutional Advancement Linda L. Dienno at (703) 461-1717, or by email at ldienno@vts.edu.

Legacy Gifts

Including the Seminary in your Will Ways to Name Virginia Seminary as a Beneficiary

  • Making unrestricted outright bequest. In making such a gift, you may designate either a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your estate to Virginia Seminary.
  • Naming the Seminary as a remainder beneficiary. In this case, the Seminary will only receive funds after specific sums have been paid to other designated beneficiaries.
  • Making a contingent bequest which will provide for the distribution of assets to Virginia Seminary only if one or more of your named beneficiaries does not survive you.