
Enriching Episcopal-Anglican Identity

International Anglican leaders on campus, consultations amidst deep disagreement, and teaching resources on the history and ethos of Anglicanism


We enrich Episcopal-Anglican Identity by highlighting diverse expressions of World Anglicanism within the broad context of ecumenical witness and interreligious plurality.

We invite visiting scholars and leaders from across the world to the VTS campus and their contributions are often live-streamed to reach even wider audiences. Guests from the international church and academy have come from Brazil, Cuba, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Palestine, Pakistan, South Africa, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Turkey, and the United Kingdom.


We bring together Episcopalian and Anglican leaders and emerging leaders who find themselves in conflict and deep disagreement.

In private and public dialogues and consultations, we provide them with space and resources for reconciliation. One recent project, Reconciling Practices, involved ten theological students from five Episcopal seminaries with different theological perspectives. We challenged these students to walk alongside one another throughout the three years of their seminary formation. Their experience culminated in the publication of biblical and liturgical material and in a seminar prepared for the fifteenth Lambeth Conference. We continue to work with bishops and other leaders on Anglican ecclesiology and understandings of doctrinal reception.


We also provide teaching, speakers, and resources on religious identity and history.

 Curricula for parish and classroom use are available on a range of subjects including Episcopal-Anglican identity, Anglican theology of mission, Christian practices of reconciliation and peacebuilding, public theology and post-colonial theology.