Baptized for Life

Baptized for Life is a Lilly Endowment Inc. funded grant initiative that nurtured participating congregations across six dioceses through a baptismal and vocational lens, focusing on catechumenal basics: Lectionary + Liturgy + Life. Baptized for Life (BFL) affirmed that confident Christian vocations are formed around scripture, community, and the sacraments for the purpose of living faithfully in the world (vocation) every day. Metrics like average Sunday attendance describe who is there. Without intentional formation, they say nothing about what a congregation is becoming.

“I feel equipped to look at the Church in new ways and to understand my authority as a baptized person in the Church. I was challenged to think outside of “the way it’s always been done” and think about how those ways may actually ignore the historical tradition of the church.”

— 2022 BFL Residency Participant

Lectionary + Liturgy
= Life

Lectionary + Liturgy
= Life

The Baptized for Life initiative is driven by a conviction that congregations, with God’s help, can form lives of meaning and purpose – Identifying, embracing, and sustaining each person’s Christian vocation.

Participating Dioceses + Faith Communities

Participating Dioceses + Faith Communities

At grant’s end – Six Dioceses (Arkansas; Central Gulf Coast; Michigan; Northern Indiana; Spokane; Upper South Carolina). 15 active congregations.

Leadership Team

Leadership Team

Left to Right: Maureen Hagen, Catechist; Lisa Kimball, Project Director; Maya Garnes, Catechist
Kim Arakawa, Project Manager; Larry Ehren, Catechist; Rodney Dean, Spiritual Director/Catechist
Dorothy Linthicum, Catechist; Francie Thayer, Spiritual Director; Yoimel González Hernández, Catechist

“As educator and theologian Verna Dozier taught – The way we live our daily lives matters – being a Christian is not going to church on Sunday morning for an hour, it’s actually how we live from Sunday to Saturday. It’s all the hours of our day – it’s how we share the gifts God has given us.”

— Lisa Kimball, Ph.D

Watch this video by Dr. Lisa Kimball to hear more…

“I just wished others could have had the opportunity to experience this. We should all continue to live into our Baptism Covenant. To understand how much each of us are loved by God. Thank you for this opportunity that enhanced my spiritual growth so much. I feel that I’m equipped to hear what God is calling me to do and act on it.”

— Kristin Branch, Lay Leader
Good Shepherd Episcopal Church,
Mobile, Alabama

“It’s been such a privilege and an honor to walk alongside these congregations – to see not only how each congregation is being impacted by the Spirit of God as they lean into their baptismal covenants, as they lean into trying different ways of engaging the life of discipleship in their congregations, but also to witness how it’s impacting and rippling out into the entirety of our diocese. I am so grateful for the work of Baptized for Life and for the energy and the life that has been birthed through this initiative.”

— Cn. Andrea Farley, Sponsor – Diocese of Spokane

“Our catechist modeled the spiritual practices that have become integral to the way we go about things now. We can begin to dream again, and as we do, our time of formation, and really catechesis with our catechist, and with the larger BFL initiative, will make those grand ideas so much richer and deeper now that we can finally pursue them. Baptized for Life has been a miraculous, nourishing, and stabilizing relationship for our church, for the people at Gethsemane – we are forever grateful.”

— The Rev. Mindy Bowne Hancock, Priest in Charge
Gethsemane Episcopal Church, Marion, Indiana



Claiming Baptism and a life of Deeper Discipleship

Mutual Ministry

Mutual Ministry

Welcoming and Honoring the Gifts of All

