Immanuel Chapel stained glass

Strategic Plan

Our Institutional Vision Statement

The Board of Trustees has the responsibility of setting the strategic direction of the Seminary. In 2018, the Board made revisions to the 2023 plan; it is our birthday manifesto.

Throughout its almost 200 year history, Virginia Theological Seminary has supported The Episcopal Church through times of social and denominational trauma and upheaval. Now and in the years to come, VTS needs to provide The Episcopal Church with resources to engage constructively with the forces of secularization, fundamentalism, and social change.

As we prepare for our third century of service, we are conscious of the work that we need to do. The 2023 strategic plan is comprehensive. It engages each aspect of our identity as an institution that educates and forms seminarians for service in the church; employs skilled and diverse staff and a knowledgeable and gifted faculty; provides facilities for visiting individuals and groups from all over the world; tends and cares for close to 90 acres of land and over 30 buildings; nurtures and cares for young children; houses one of the finest theological libraries; and offers almost daily worship services for the community and visitors.