Date: August 21, 2024
“Give me a firm place to stand and a lever and I can move the Earth.”
– Archimedes
Over the course of my ministry, I have increasingly become convinced that the future of our Church hinges on what this generation chooses to do (or not do) when it comes to faith formation. We need formation for children, youth, and adults that is happily hopeful, viscerally compelling, Christ-centered, community-cultivating, and life-transforming. It isn’t enough to speak from the head. We must proclaim from our hearts, from the core of our being, the difference being a disciple of Jesus makes for us and those around us. It is incumbent upon those of us in leadership to do our inner work and get to the place where our faith is ignited in such a way that, together, we generate a warmth that is irresistibly attractive in this often-cold world. Spiritual direction. Therapy. Creative pursuits. Rest. Time in Nature. Community. Deep Reflection. Prayer and Worship. Authentic connection with God and with Self. All of these together give us our “firm place to stand.”
From there, Archimedes says, all it takes is a lever to move the world. Or, as Jesus put it, faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains. We can have a profound impact if we choose to do so. When it comes to faith formation, one of the best levers we’ve always had at our disposal is the pulpit. Each week we have 10-15 minutes to speak from our heart about the awesome power of God in our lives and the way the Spirit empowers us to change the world. We must capitalize on every minute.
I recently graduated from VTS with a Masters in Christian Formation. I was honored that Dr. Ruthanna Hooke asked The Rev. Dr. Kevin Vandiver, Kim Arakawa, and me to help her craft the Lifelong Learning department’s newest Lilly funded grant, Preaching Congregations Initiative (PCi), a multi-year effort to reinvigorate preaching across the Church by coaching not only clergy but also members of their congregations into a more creative engagement with the preaching event. If you have the profound honor to step into a pulpit, even occasionally, for heaven’s sake bring your all. Bring your heart, your soul, your mind, your strength, and powerfully use this lever. The world may feel heavy at times but if we stand in this firm place together, not only can we move the world, we will.
The Rev. Richard L. Nelson
PCi Assistant Director for Spiritual Formation