Fall 2020 at VTS

The Board approved three values that shape our reopening. These are:

  • Health matters
  • People matter (i.e. keeping our employees employed and honoring the community relationships)
  • Mission matters
stained glass installation


  • All students are required to have a COVID-19 test. It takes two days for a test result to be provided. During this period, the person should be in a modified quarantine (i.e. ideally staying in their accommodation with limited walks outside by themselves for meals and exercise).
  • Once cleared, then we require physical distancing, save for households. Masks should be worn while you are inside a building (unless alone in a room e.g., an office), in a meeting, and in a class. In addition, masks should be worn when you are near someone outside.


  • The Chapel will follow the guidance of the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia.
  • The Refectory follows “restaurant rules,” therefore, is permitted to have a 50% occupancy.
  • Physical distancing is a requirement, save for households. Masks should be worn inside buildings and when near someone outside.
  • All formation and advising groups, as well as colloquy, will be held in classrooms or online, not in faculty homes.
  • All public buildings will be cleaned and sanitized daily.  High use buildings (like Addison Academic Center and the Welcome Center Library) will be cleaned appropriately throughout the day.  Classrooms will be sanitized after each use.


  • In keeping with the fall semester’s hybrid course offering plans, courses will meet virtually the week after Thanksgiving and finals for the fall semester will be conducted online. In-person offerings would resume (as permitted) with the spring semester on Tuesday, February 2, 2021.
  • Smaller classes that can socially distance have the option of a reserved room that can be used for face-to-face classes.
  • Larger classes may have spaces allocated, but use will depend on health guidance.
  • All classes will be adapted so that students can participate online if necessary.


Lunch, Breakfast, Flamingo, and 1823 from September 1, 2020 onwards


Meals are served in the Refectory. If you want a to-go option, then you bring your own container to the Refectory.

We encourage seating outside.

There are three shifts:

  • 11:20 a.m.-12 noon; 12:15-12:55 p.m.; 1:10-1:40 p.m.
  • In between each shift, surfaces are wiped down. Only two people are permitted at each table, with a total Refectory capacity of 50. If the Refectory is full, then you must come back later.


Served in the Refectory, breakfast will open at 7:00 a.m.

Flamingo coffee is available:

  • Opening times: 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
  • Afternoon times: 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • 10 people can sit inside.

1823 will re-open at 5:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. while the weather is good. We will only use the terrace; there will be no seating inside.

Dinner for those on the meal plan will be served in the Refectory.


In the eventuality that we have a forced closure of the residence halls, all domestic students must leave. All international students must leave the residence halls and return home. Provision will be made for international students to continue their studies remotely. If an international student is unable to travel home immediately due to a lack of available travel options, arrangements will be made on a case by case basis.


All students will be required to vacate the dorms at the Thanksgiving Break and not return until February 2021. There will be no food services during this time.

If you have questions or information to share, please contact the Emergency Response Team at .

reading in chapel service