Ash Wednesday Service

Our Worship Life

Our Worship Life

We invite the entire community to continue their worshipping practice. If you feel unwell, then please do stay away and find space for your private devotions. If you are able to participate in corporate worship, then please do so.

After extensive consultation, we will do the following:

  1. We will not shake hands at the peace. Instead we will bow, or tap elbows, or any other means of acknowledging our commitment to be at peace with each other.
  2. It is essential that Chalice bearers and the presider take all appropriate precautions, which must include wiping the chalice with care and using hand sanitizer between each round of distribution.
  3. Intinction is forbidden.
  4. We invite the community to take the Eucharist in one kind. This is the advice of the
  5. Diocese of Virginia and it is complete participation in the sacrament.

If you have questions or information to share, please contact the Emergency Response Team at .

stained glass installation